Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Time for an Update!

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It's been awhile since I've posted here, sorry about the wait.

It's been a very busy last few weeks, not only was I out of town for a few days, I've also been looking into some new additions to our grouping of cell phone cases!!

I've been looking into the Nokia Lumia and LG Spectrum 2 cases to add...

I'm also preparing for Apple to make their announcement of their new iPhone... as they always do in dead center of the year.  Only Apple knows when they're going to release their new phones... as a previous employee of a major cell company, I personally know this is a fact.  I remember the days the iPhone was released I'd be in the middle of a work day and then suddenly would get calls about 'pre-ordering' the new iPhone that I didn't even know had been just announced!  We, as employees of the cell companies, would have no information about what to do or say until someone would come around and drop a piece of paper in front of you 'telling' you that suddenly the phone was released and, of course, 10 hours of overtime is mandatory! -_-

Those days, I don't miss at all.  I just enjoy sitting back now and sending everyone the cases they need for these new phones!

And what a surprise these new Samsung Galaxy S3 Wallet cases have been!  I started the price out at about $13.95 a piece, but have since reduced it to $8.95 as I realized the initial price was a bit too high, even for a case as sturdy and lovely as these.  I only started out with 10, but after the price reduction I was surprised to see half of them go within the same day!  I'll post more about it another post, but I've gone ahead and placed an order for another 30 of these cases (5 of each style) and they should be here within the week, or early next week!

I'll go ahead and update all of you more with the new stock coming in as well here in the next posts, so keep an eye out for them as they'll be posted very soon!!

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