Monday, March 4, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3's Will Be Restocked + NEW addition!

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There are 6 styles for the Samsung Galaxy S3 that went and sold out within the last few days so we've placed an order for 40 new Samsung Galaxy S3 cases that will be arriving within the next week or two.

On top of the ones that are sold out, we've also gone ahead and added a new one that will be arriving with the group.  It's actually quite popular among the iPhone cases so we're excited to add it to the addition!

The blue backgrounds makes for a quaint yet, different, kind of case and the beautiful printed background only adds to it's great look!  It'll be made of the same material as the other cases so those who have looked at the iPhone cases and wondered about this case can look forward to it being added to the collection!

In the mean time, there are still 9 cases left for the Samsung that you can get your hands on right now so grab them while you can! In the next hour, they could be gone as quickly as the rest!

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