Tuesday, February 19, 2013

iPhone 5 Cases Coming Soon!

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The first cell phone cases I ever stocked up on were Samsung Galaxy S3, and why? Because that's the phone that I have!

Anyone will tell you, when you start a business, you start in your comfort zone and that's where I started!

Afterwards, I planned on getting some iPhone 4/4S cases to add to the list of sold cell phone cases and I did so just last month (January) and already 20 of them are gone!

Now I'm looking into add iPhone 5 cases to the list!

This is a big expansion for me in this business. Even though it might not seem like a big leap, it still is because I'm starting to stray out of my comfort zone and I'm building my collection of cell phone cases to the point where I'm going to require a more sophisticated way of organizing my stock.

It is also excited as well because with each new phone, comes new possibilities with cases!

In the new iPhone 5 stock, I've included some of the same graphics that I have with the Samsung Galaxy S3 and iPhone 4/4S stock and also introduced some brand new unique items such as the one on the top!

I'll also be restocking some of my sold out Samsung Galaxy S3 cases here at the same time, so for those who are looking for those cases, keep an eye out!

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