Tuesday, November 5, 2013

iPhone 5C Blue and Green Cases Almost Sold Out!!

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To be honest, I knew these two would probably be the first to be picked up off the shelves, but I didn't know it would be this fast or I would have been more prepared!

It looks like I'll have to grab some more from the manufacture but who knows when the last one will be sold out, it could be tonight!

These cases haven't been on the shelves for even a month yet and a quarter of them are already gone!

As it stands right now, I only have 4 LEFT of both the Green and the Blue Cases!! (#7 & #8)  and I must admit, when comparing all my cell cases for various different phone models, the iPhone 5C are the best looking.  I'm not talking about Design though, I'm talking about how they look ON the phone.

Because of the iPhone 5C's slightly new design, the cases have to match, and they give it that extra look, especially when you clash the colors together, such as the Yellow iPhone 5C with the Green #8 Case.  You can just say, they look great together!

So grab yours now because it could take some time for the manufacture to send the new stock and you don't want to miss out!!

Remember, they all could be gone by morning, so grab yours now!
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Simply click the pictures above or this link here:

And also remember, ALL CASES COME WITH FREE SHIPPING within the US!

I also ship overseas to anyone looking to grab their own case for themselves!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

iPhone 5C Cases are HERE!!!

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Finally, for those who have gone ahead and upgraded to the new iPhone 5C, I have the cases for you!!

At first, I almost expected to see the same thing I have for the iPhone 5 and 5S, but I was pleasantly surprised that I got quite the opposite!

In fact, when putting these cases side by side, I noticed two distinct differences.

  • 1. The iPhone 5C is SLIGHTLY shorter than the iPhone 5 and 5S
  • 2. The iPhone 5C is much THICKER than the iPhone 5 and 5S

In the beginning, I assumed this would cause a problem with the design of the case itself, because even the corners are slightly different, but because of these differences, I find the iPhone 5C cases to be 'better fit' to them, then the iPhone 5 or 5S cases are to them.

Yes the iPhone 5 and 5S cases are a lot more sleek and 'clean', but to me, it's a bit like having a brick, where as the iPhone 5C looks more like a 'phone' making the design of the cases much more attractive!

That being said, these are the iPhone 5C cases available right now!!

As you can see, there are two brand new designs never seen!  I picked these from the manufacture because of the new Colors that the iPhone 5C comes in!

Both the Green #8 Case and the #4 Brown/Black Butterflies match extremely well with the colors without clashing at all! 

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All are marked for the same price as always, only $5.95 and of course, FREE SHIPPING!

Grab yours now! The new designs are going fast!
You can get yours right here!


Or, by simply clicking the pictures above!  Enjoy!

Friday, October 11, 2013

iPhone 4 and 4S Cases are all back in stock!!

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It's been quite a while since I've had to re-stock the iPhone 4 and 4S cases.

Originally, I thought I had 'over' stocked them, I could barely find room because there were so many... but then this month came around and suddenly they were almost empty!  So I put in an order with the manufacture and I received them today!

So those who have been waiting for the Butterfly, Heart and Flower iPhone 4/4S cases to be restocked are in luck because as of right now, they are!

You can grab yours right here:

Or by simply clicking on the photos above!

Only $5.95 each with FREE Shipping within the US, however I also do ship internationally!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Cases Are Here!!

Well, finally I received the re-stock for the Samsung Galaxy S4 Cases!

I've been waiting for this one for some time, mostly because of this case shown right here has been sold out for a long time and I've been eager to get it back into stock!  To make sure that it doesn't run out as quick, I got a good handful more then before!

So grab your case today for your Samsung Galaxy S4!  All designs are fully in stock and the price is still the same cheap $5.95 with Free Shipping!! 

And remember, I ship out the same day!  So no matter what day or time it is, you can be assured that as soon as your payment goes through, your case is already on its way to you!  Even if it's the middle of the night, I make sure it's out and ready for the post office to grab and take to you the following morning!

Grab your case now as these designs sell out fast!
You can click here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v309/Aeristilheartly/12_zps24e0122b.jpg

Or simply click on the case above, both will take you straight to the Samsung Galaxy S4 cases!!

And also, for those looking for a case for your iPhone 5C, they will be in soon as well, so look forward to seeing the annoucement here for your chance to grab a case for your new iPhone 5C as well!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

New iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S announced!!

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Back on Tuesday, September 10th, Apple finally made their announcement about the new iPhone.

And on top of the new iPhone 5S (which we all expected to come out) iPhone is also releasing the cheaper iPhone 5 version, the iPhone 5C!

So what's going to happen now?  Well, unfortunately, Apple has announced they are withdrawing the original iPhone 5 from the market!  Just like all of you, this took me by surprise!  I knew, from the many rumors circling the mobile phone world, that Apple would be releasing 2 new iPhones, however I expected them to be the iPhone 5S and possibly an iPhone 6... and then for them to take the iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S or even both off the market, not the brand new iPhone 5 that's barely been out a year!

But, there is some good news... those who have purchased the Otterboxes and LifeProof cases that almost costed them a fortune won't have to go out and buy new ones... because the iPhone 5C and 5S BOTH are the SAME SIZE!

I kind of expected this, but I am still a little disappointed by this change... I was expecting to go out and open a new market of cell cases for the iPhone 5C or 5S, but it looks like I'll just have to continue adding the iPhone 5 grouping... but again it'll be good news for those who already have cases for their iPhone 5 and are looking forward to purchasing the new iPhone 5S or 5C.

But buyer beware, it has been leaked that the iPhone 5C low price is not without consequence.  Unlike other iPhone generations that were all released with better built in protection, these ones will not be.  In fact, the reason for the price drop is just simply that, they're CHEAP phones with a little color on their backs!  Nothing more!

So if anyone is looking to upgrade to the new iPhone's, I would highly recommend skipping to the iPhone 5S and avoiding the iPhone 5C all together!

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And remember, which ever you choose, or if you even choose to stick with your good ol' iPhone 5, all the cases will fit the same!  Even though the actual, usable screen is much better on the phone itself, the size of the actual phone is still the same!

Also, just to let everyone know, in order for me to add the iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S to the iPhone 5 cases listings, I had to 'cancel' the original listing and then 'Re-List' it onto the eBay site... so if anyone's wondering where all the previous purchases disappeared too, they are attached to the old listing.

The cases are still the same, the prices are still the same and above all else, shipping is still FREE within the US!  So grab your cases today for your iPhone 5, 5C or 5S, whichever you choose, you can use the same case on all 3 phones!

The new listing can be found right here!
iPhone 5, 5S and 5C Cases: $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING!!


Thursday, September 5, 2013


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I actually received these a few weeks ago, I just haven't had time to put them up here on the blog but they are all fully available so anyone who's looking to get a new cell case for their HTC One can grab one right here!


There are a total of 8 different designs to choose from!  You can check them all out right here!


The biggest difference between these cases and the iPhone and Samsung Cases however is that these are made of a hard plastic that are designed to snap onto the back of your HTC One.

I originally was looking to purchase the silicon/rubber cases for the HTC One but when these came in, I was pleasantly surprised.  Although they are hard and unbendable like the silicon/rubber cases, they are surprisingly soft and smooth feeling and easy to put on the phone!

So grab one today!  Only $5.95 with FREE SHIPPING!! 


It's easy, all you do is when eBay takes you to the Paypal page, select the bottom option to make a payment with 'another option'.  Paypal will then take your payment with your credit/debit card without you having an account with them and then send it to my paypal account and I will then ship out your new cell case!

Just simply click the links to get your new case!

It's been about a month since my last post...

I apologize that it's taken me so long to update this.  I am still here and these cell phone cases are still for sale!!

We ran into an issue this month that kind of through me off my normal routine and I had to put things aside for a short time in order to get myself back together.

We lost my father unexpectedly on the 10th of August.  He was young and the last person I ever expected to lose in my life.  In fact, I really didn't expect that day to come until after another 40 years down the road so I was anything but prepared to deal with the trauma that followed....

From day one of losing him, the only thing I was able to continue doing was packaging up my cell phone cases and sending them out in the mail as they were ordered... and let me tell you, even that was hard to do at times.  I wasn't able to respond to messages for another week following and now here I am, almost month later, finally posting here on my Artsy Cases blog again.

It's been a very rough road and one I, thankfully but sadly, didn't have to walk alone as my fiance had just lost his own father two years previous.  But I am back and have lots of updates that need to be posted.  My father wouldn't want me to stop Artsy Cell Cases on account of losing him.  In fact, whenever I would get a new shipment of cases, I was always so proud to show him them and I would have him help me decide what cases I should get next.  So, I have to keep Artsy Cases alive in honor of him now.

I miss him every day and my family and I wish we could turn back time to bring him back but we know I cannot so we need to keep living our lives for him now and keep him alive in our memories and all the good times we had.

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Saturday, August 3, 2013


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If you've been looking for a case for your HTC One, you won't have to look much longer!

July has been a very slow month so I was waiting until August before investing in the HTC One cases, but they are now on their way and will be available for all of you very soon!

In fact, I expect them to arrive on Monday and then it'll be a quick process to have them all added to our Artsy Cell Cases store!  They'll be the same price as all the other cases, just $5.95 and of course, with FREE Shipping!

We will be starting off with 8 different designs for these cases but, just like the other cases we have in our store, I will be growing the design collection.  So as always, if you don't see something you like right away, make sure you 'Watch' our store or subscribe to it so you'll be the first to know when new designs are added to the lot!

Our eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/ArtsyCellCases

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Been a Sllloooowwww July

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We were hoping the sales would remain the same as previous months but it's been a very slow July this year...  Although, we know it's mainly due to the hot weather.

I mean, who wants to be inside on the computer when you drive across country with your windows down, or go swimming in your local pool, or even the one you have in your backyard?  This is the time of the year where people can get out without worrying about bundling up.  So, like everyone else, we will just relax this month and let things play out...

We did, however, add a few penny auctions this week for anyone still looking for a Samsung Galaxy S3, iPhone 5 or iPhone 4/4S case!  And when I say, 'Penny Auctions' I mean, I start them off at $0.01 with FREE Shipping, so you could win them at just $0.01!

It might seem odd that I'd be willing to give away my cases at such a low price, but remember, I was going to do giveaways for these cell cases on our Facebook page once we hit a certain amount of likes.... however there's hardly anyone even on Facebook these days with the weather being so nice so we decided to go this route in the meantime!

Remember to check them out at our store here:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

16% OFF our iPhone 4/4S Cases FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS ONLY!!

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For those who have been browsing our iPhone 4 and 4S cases, today is your lucky day!

We have decided to do our first sale with THESE cases!!  16% off (That's $0.99 OFF) our cases for the next 24 hours ONLY!!  This sale will end tomorrow night and just started RIGHT NOW! So that means, 24 hours from RIGHT NOW, this sale will end!

So grab your case today!! Tons of designs to choose from and at the lowest prices!!

And remember, they all come with FREE SHIPPING!! So the price of $4.94 IS the only price you'll pay!!

Click here to grab them, the picture above or the tabs above to get your case today!!


So again!
Our First Sale starts with the iPhone 4/4S cases!!


This sale will end tomorrow night!! So grab your case while you can!!  Many designs to choose from!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Remember to 'Like' Artsy Cell Cases on FACEBOOK!

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For those of you who aren't aware, we do have a Facebook Page you can easily follow by simply pressing 'Like' on our page!  You can access it right here:


I always work on putting up many funny and cute photos and phrases you can share with all your friends or just simply enjoy for yourself!

You can always keep yourself updated on any of the new listings, restock of any of our cases and so forth!

On top of all that, I also plan on starting a few random free giveaways of cases once the page receives 2,000 'Likes', so if you're looking to get one for yourself, make sure you like the page and encourage your friends to do the same!  Doing this will make sure you are the first to know when the giveaway starts and how you can enter!

I'll be adding a new tab to our blog here so you can easily access the facebook page at any time, and I'll be adding our Twitter button too, so make sure to visit, 'Like' and also 'Follow' our pages so you know all the information First and get a few laughs while you're there!

Again the link to our facebook page is right here: 
And will also be above in the top tabs!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

The iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 Cases are NOW FULLY RESTOCKED!

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Once again, all cases are here and available, and I mean all of them!  We still have plenty of the S4 and iPhone 4/4S cases and Wallet cases as well, so anyone who is looking to grab one will have all of the cases to choose from!

So what does this mean for you?  It means if you're looking through the list you don't have to see that nasty 'Sold Out' next to any of the cases, so whatever case you want, you can have right now!

As always, I'll be working to keep up with this so we don't run out of any.  Like I stated in previous posts, we only had one case run out on the Samsung Galaxy S3 and I made sure to get more of those cases then the others so we don't run into that again.

So grab your case today!  It's only been 3 weeks since I had to restock last, so who knows how long these will last!

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Restock for Galaxy S3 and iPhone 5 Coming Today!

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That's right, I know it's been awhile but everything was fully stocked, even way OVER stocked!

 I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to get whatever case they wanted so I made sure to grab every case I could, but now that stock has been going down so I had to place a few more orders!

So today we'll be receiving the new iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 cases sometime today, hopefully sooner then later, and I'll make sure to make the announcement here when I restock all the cases. There is currently only one case that is out of stock right now with the Samsung Galaxy S3 but I still have all the iPhone 5 cases currently in stock!

Grab them while you can, and remember, 
there will be plenty more later when the stock comes in!
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our Store 'Artsy Cell Cases' Is Now OPEN!

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That's right!  I've taken the big step and turned our individual listings into a full blown operating eBay Store!

I've gone ahead and named the store after our case as well!  I am a very picky person, and I will only get the best looking cases available, so I've named the store 'Artsy Cell Cases'!

All the listings are on the store and available for purchase, I even plan on doing a few sales in the near future, but not sure which cases to do them on just yet... so we will see!

In the meantime you can easily access all the store listings right here:

From iPhone 4/4S cases to Samsung Galaxy S4 cases, all are available right here and for very low prices with FREE SHIPPING within the US!  I do ship Worldwide too with the cheapest international rates so you're not paying the same amount you would at your local kiosk, not even close!

All Cell Phones need a cell case, and you shouldn't have to pay the same amount for the case that you did for the phone!

Friday, June 21, 2013

All Cell Cases Are Finally in Stock together!! From the iPhone 4/4S to the Galaxy S4!

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This is a great day for the cell cases as they are ALL in stock!!

There are so many case designs to choose from for many different types of phones!!  And with the listings containing multiple designs in just one listing, there's no need to search anywhere else for your favorite type of case!

You can pick 1, 2 or even all the designs!  There's no limit to how many you can choose and for that style conscious shopper, these are the perfect choice for the First Day of Summer!

From Flowers to Butterflies, each case provides a beautiful array of colors to match any type of day and they are so soft and protective, it provides the perfect balance, so grab one today!  There are so many to choose from!

Samsung Galaxy S3 Flower, Heart and Butterfly Cases - $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING

Samsung Galaxy S3 Wallet Cases - $8.95 + FREE SHIPPING

Samsung Galaxy S4 Flower, Heart and Butterfly Cases - $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING

iPhone 4/4S Flower, Heart and Butterfly Cases - $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING

iPhone 5 Pinwheel Cases - $3.95 + FREE SHIPPING

iPhone 5 Flower, Heart and Butterfly Cases - $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING

Grab your case for these low prices today!!

Samsung Galaxy S3 Cases are ALL in stock!!

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Finally!!  These were the first cases I ordered out of all the ones that came in and they took almost 2 weeks to get here!  But I'd rather them be here today then wait until Monday!

ALL the cases are back in stock and I went ahead and also ordered a large batch of each of the highest sellers, namely the #11, #12 and #13 cases!  There's around 20 of each so no one will be left out and I should have plenty left when I place my next restock order so it'll less likely be out of stock!

You can grab your case right here!! Or by simply clicking on the picture above!
Remember they're only $5.95 each with FREE SHIPPING within the US and I do ship worldwide so there's no where you are that I can't send it!

With the price of the Galaxy S3 decreasing it's easy to get caught up in the hype and purchase one of these wonderful phones!  As I've said numerous times in the past, the Galaxy S3 is the phone that I currently have myself and I couldn't be happier with it!

I'd highly recommend going with a Galaxy S3 or S4 above any other phone, but the choice, of course, is yours alone.

Also keep an eye out of the new iPhone to be released soon!  Apple has gone ahead and shown off the new design and has announced that they will be available very soon so it's another great phone to look forward to this year!!

iPhone 4/4S are back in stock!

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Sorry on the delay, but ALL the iPhone 4/4S cases are all back in stock and then some!!

There are even 2 new additions to the iPhone 4/4S cases!  One of which might go on to replace the #13 case even!  According to the manufacture, they've stopped making the #13 case... though I am disappointed by this news, I'm sure they'll eventually go back to making it because of how popular it is.  They've now started production on the #19 case, one of the newest additions to this group of 4/4S cases.

I still have plenty of #13 cases still available and I'll be working hard on gathering as many of the extra ones out in the world to keep it in stock as long as I can but I can't make any promises at this time... so if you're looking into getting #13, I'd suggest getting one as quickly as possible because we just don't know how much longer these cases will be around!

Remember, they're only $5.95 each with FREE SHIPPING within the US! and I do ship WORLDWIDE!!!
You can grab one today right here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/140904602841

Monday, June 17, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3 Wallet Cases are back in stock and available!!

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Just like the Samsung Galaxy S4 cases, the S3 Wallet cases are also back in stock today!

A total of 30 cases have been added to the listing, 5 for each Design!  They're up and ready for you to purchase and for only $8.95 each!

These are very sturdy cases and very useful for those who are used to just carrying a wallet around!

With the two card slots on the inside, you can carry your credit/debit cards, licenses, insurance cards or whatever other card you might have!

I personally use this type of case for my own Galaxy S3 and don't know what I'd do without it now.
So grab yours today!  Just simply click on the picture above or this link to grab your Galaxy S3 Wallet Case today!

Samsung Galaxy S4 Cases are HERE!!

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For those who have upgraded from the S3 to the S4 or just wanted to get in on all the action, the Samsung Galaxy S4 cases are HERE and AVAILABLE for purchase!!

There a total of 14 beautiful designs to choose from so grab 1, 2 or even all 14 today!!
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Only $5.95 each with FREE SHIPPING within the US!

Each case is made of soft silicon rubber, which is great for protection as they're shock absorbent!  So if you're like me and tend to drop your phone a lot, these cases are the best you could ask for!

Thin enough that you can still do all the tricks the Samsung Galaxy S4 was made to do, like sharing contacts or pictures with your fellow S4 friends or placing it in a compatible S4 port to play your latest hits off Pandora!

So grab one today!  If you have any other questions about them, feel free to ask! I am always available on eBay if you're looking for an answer right away! Or comment here with your question and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

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100% Customer satisfaction is my main goal so don't be afraid to chat me up!

To get to the cases, click this link here:

Or simply click the picture above or the new Samsung Galaxy S4 tab I've added at the top!  Each will bring you straight to the cases for your purchase!!

And remember, I do ship Worldwide, so you're never too far away from my cases!
Everyone has the chance to own one of these artsy Cases today!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Cases - Our NEW Addition!!

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Yes! You read that right!

We're getting in Samsung Galaxy S4 cases!! 

It's been a debate for some time now as to what we should obtain first, Samsung Galaxy S2 or Samsung Galaxy S4 cases... to go backwards or forwards...  Well, we decided to go forward first!

So for those who have upgraded to their own brand new Samsung Galaxy S4, you can now grab yourself one of our cases to protect it!!

These cases will be similar to the bulk of our current cases and there will be a total of 14 Designs to choose from and many of those designs that are already popular with the S3!

You can take a look at our current S3 cases right here to get an idea of what to expect when the cases come in - http://www.ebay.com/itm/140895426704

They will be the same price, just $5.95 and FREE SHIPPING within the US like all the other cases we offer now!

They will also be available Worldwide, so if you live in Brazil, Canada, Italy, Russia or even Australia, and want to purchase a case, I can get it to you!

Shipping time varies internationally, but typically takes less then a week to arrive no matter where you are!  Within the US, less then 4 days (Sometimes even just ONE day!)  So if you're looking for a gift idea and you need it fast, these are the perfect quick gifts!

Fast - Free Shipping, Great Price and GREAT Product, just look at our feedback!

Check it all out right on our page! on eBay!  Right here: http://myworld.ebay.com/aeristilheartly?_trksid=p2047675.l2559

And make sure to bookmark this page and check back Monday for the opportunity to grab an S4 case!  I'll be posting the update right here as soon as they're available!!

iPhone 4/4S Cases Being Restocked AND One more Design to be added!!

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I've been working on getting this new design into the group for awhile, but until now, I couldn't find a manufacture that had it in stock!

I've finally been able to place an order for this new design and it will be added into the other 17 Designs, making it a total of 18!!

This design goes hand in hand with #14, the double purple hearts on a black background, and is already in the Samsung Galaxy S3 grouping so this will be exciting to add it to the iPhone 4 / 4S grouping!

It is the ultimate goal to attain each design for each type of phone case, making it much easier to get a hold of the same case as you upgrade your phone from an iPhone 4/4S to an iPhone 5 or from a Galaxy S3 to an S4!  Hopefully, by the end of this year, we will have achieved this goal.

So keep an eye out for the iPhone 4/4S restock post so you can grab one of these new cases for your own iPhone 4/4S!

Still ONLY $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING within the US!!  And I ship WORLDWIDE! You're never too far away for one of our cell phone Cases!!  Grab one today! ^_^

Samsung Galaxy S3 will be restocked within the next week!

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I've gone ahead and placed an order with the manufacture for more of the Samsung Galaxy S3 cases!!

I know there are a few out of the batch that seem to sell out much faster then the rest so I've made sure to grab a large grouping of them to even out the demand.

So what does that mean for all of you?

It means that you'll have more of a chance of grabbing up one of these cases before they sell out!

Style #11 is one of the most popular out of all of them and tends to sell out within the same week I get them, so this will be one of those cases that I'll have a large sum of so that doesn't happen and everyone has a chance to grab it!

So keep an eye out for the 'Restock Blog Post' because, as always, I'll be making that post the moment that the cases are re-stocked!!!

While you're waiting for that though, make sure you check out the other cases available!  Aside from the #11 style, almost all of the others are still in stock and available for purchase RIGHT NOW!

Only $5.95 per case + FREE SHIPPING within the US!

And I ship Worldwide!!  So no matter where you are, I can send you a case!! Grab one today!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New iPhone 5 Cases!!!

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It's been awhile since I've placed an order for iPhone 5 replacements, mainly because of the obvious... not everyone has one as they would like to because of the price of the phone!

With iPhone 4S being only $100 and the iPhone 4 being, well, FREE, most people are putting off getting the iPhone 5 until the next big thing comes out.  We all know that when that happens, the iPhone 5's price will be dropping dramatically!  We can all just imagine what it'll be called too... most likely it'll be the iPhone 5S, but it could also be called the iPhone 6, who knows though?  Only Apple of course!  But they'll never reveal their secrets, not until the very last second that is!

But that brings us back to the iPhone 5 cases!  I've been slowly working on adding to this little collection of cases to make way for those who currently do have the iPhone 5, or those who are looking to get it when the price drops and I've gone ahead and added 2 new cases to this collection!

As you can see here in the picture above, they've been added to the end of the group.  The first one, #14, is the beautiful Star Rainbow case that sits on a Black background.  The other, #15, is a favorite of the butterfly admirers, a lovely group of pink lily's with a few Monarch butterflies floating above them.

So this makes a total of 15 different styled cases to choose from!

And, of course, all the other cases have been restocked so all of them are available for purchase!!

Still only $5.95 a piece with FREE SHIPPING within the US!!  So I suggest grabbing them while you can, as they're going quickly this month!  I may even have to restock again by the end with how fast they're flying off the shelves!!

You can get them right from my eBay page here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/140929131489 or by clicking the picture above!
And remember, I ship WORLDWIDE!  So you're never too far away from these cases!  I will make sure it gets to you!

More Samsung Galaxy S3 Wallet Cases on the Way!!

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As stated in the previous post, I've gone ahead and not only dropped the initial price of the Galaxy S3 cases, but I've also placed an order for many many more of them!

There are 6 different styles to choose from, as shown in the picture above, and originally, I only had a total of 10 of these cases, but I soon found that 10, was far too little, so I've gone ahead and ordered a total of 30 more of these cases (5 of each style) and they should be arriving sometime the end of this week or early next week!

These are very sturdy cases and have two slots on the inside for credit/debit cards or whatever card you'd like to put in it, even your license!  I personally use this type of case for myself and find it to be extremely handy!  I don't even need a purse, all I need is this wallet case and I'm good to go!  It's not bulky and the feel of it is exactly as you would think.

There are a lot of cases out there that look like they're smooth, or soft, or bumpy, but then as soon as you get it, you find out that it was all an illusion of a single photo, what you were really looking at, was a fancy sticker...  that's not how these cases are at all!  They have the texture of a snake skin style purse on the outside and the leather is soft to the touch on the inside!

A small magnet holds the case together and you will be surprised how well it does hold despite what you put in it!

I can't wait to have more of these cases available to you all and at the reduced price for $8.95 + FREE SHIPPING to everyone in the USA!

I do ship WORLDWIDE also!  It doesn't matter where you live, I will get it to you!!

Check them out right here!!  Or by simply clicking the picture above!!  Keep an eye out for the Re-Stock post as I will be posting the moment I get them and get them in stock for all of you!


Time for an Update!

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It's been awhile since I've posted here, sorry about the wait.

It's been a very busy last few weeks, not only was I out of town for a few days, I've also been looking into some new additions to our grouping of cell phone cases!!

I've been looking into the Nokia Lumia and LG Spectrum 2 cases to add...

I'm also preparing for Apple to make their announcement of their new iPhone... as they always do in dead center of the year.  Only Apple knows when they're going to release their new phones... as a previous employee of a major cell company, I personally know this is a fact.  I remember the days the iPhone was released I'd be in the middle of a work day and then suddenly would get calls about 'pre-ordering' the new iPhone that I didn't even know had been just announced!  We, as employees of the cell companies, would have no information about what to do or say until someone would come around and drop a piece of paper in front of you 'telling' you that suddenly the phone was released and, of course, 10 hours of overtime is mandatory! -_-

Those days, I don't miss at all.  I just enjoy sitting back now and sending everyone the cases they need for these new phones!

And what a surprise these new Samsung Galaxy S3 Wallet cases have been!  I started the price out at about $13.95 a piece, but have since reduced it to $8.95 as I realized the initial price was a bit too high, even for a case as sturdy and lovely as these.  I only started out with 10, but after the price reduction I was surprised to see half of them go within the same day!  I'll post more about it another post, but I've gone ahead and placed an order for another 30 of these cases (5 of each style) and they should be here within the week, or early next week!

I'll go ahead and update all of you more with the new stock coming in as well here in the next posts, so keep an eye out for them as they'll be posted very soon!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

NEW Samsung Galaxy S3 Snake Skin Style Wallet Cases!!!

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These cases just came in today!! I've been waiting for them for almost 3 weeks now so I'm excited to add them to the new grouping!

These are the cases that I personally like myself and I am using one of them right now and love, love, love it!

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These kinds of wallet cases are not only stylish, they're very functional.  If I couldn't have my wallet case, I don't know what I'd do, maybe go back to losing my credit cards in the depths of my pockets instead.  That's seriously what I was doing until I got these cases, now I can carry my phone and my cards in the same place without having to worry!

They're very sturdy, even though they might not look it, and they're kept together by a magnet.  Now, I know what you're thinking, "Won't putting a magnet next to my phone or credit cards cause problems?"  Normally, yes, but this magnet isn't powerful enough to do any damage to your phone or cards!  I've been carry my phone and cards around in this same wallet since the middle of last year.  I can't count how many times I've attempted to close my wallet case with one hand and have accidently slipped the magnet part in between the wallet and directly onto the phone, but you know what, it didn't do squat to it.  All my cards still work for all the times that's happened as well!

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So that's the only purpose of that magnet, to keep your case together, and it won't hurt your phone!

I've got these cases listed with all 6 different styles/colors for only $11.95 on eBay with, of course, FREE SHIPPING!!

So click on any of the pictures or click on this direct link below to check them out!

Even if you're not sure, remember to at least 'watch' the one you like the most, you can always come back and purchase it later!!

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Keep this in mind however, there is only a very small number of these available right now!  So while you wait, remember that someone else might grab it while you're dancing around it and it may be awhile before I have more in stock, so grab them while you can,

Right here!!
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iPhone 4/4S cases are BACK IN STOCK!

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Finally, after much waiting, the iPhone 4/4S cases have arrived and now are fully back in stock!

And to top it all off, there is a new case that's been introduced into the set, making the total count of 17 Designs!

Also, to help make up for the entire length of time we were out of the Pink Case with Butterflies, it's been double ordered.  A total of 25 cases were added to that selection!  However, they are going quickly so anyone looking to get their hands on one better do so before they're all gone once again!

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Also, check out the new design, #17!  It's picture above here and has been added to the list, and the main pictures above have been updated with the new case as well!  Already it's starting to fly off the shelf as well, so make sure you grab it while you can too!

You can click the pictures above or the link right here to take a look at the new iPhone 4/4S cases right here!

Still only $5.95 + FREE SHIPPING within the US!!

So grab one, two or even 5 today!