To be honest, I knew these two would probably be the first to be picked up off the shelves, but I didn't know it would be this fast or I would have been more prepared!
It looks like I'll have to grab some more from the manufacture but who knows when the last one will be sold out, it could be tonight!
These cases haven't been on the shelves for even a month yet and a quarter of them are already gone!
As it stands right now, I only have 4 LEFT of both the Green and the Blue Cases!! (#7 & #8) and I must admit, when comparing all my cell cases for various different phone models, the iPhone 5C are the best looking. I'm not talking about Design though, I'm talking about how they look ON the phone.
Because of the iPhone 5C's slightly new design, the cases have to match, and they give it that extra look, especially when you clash the colors together, such as the Yellow iPhone 5C with the Green #8 Case. You can just say, they look great together!
So grab yours now because it could take some time for the manufacture to send the new stock and you don't want to miss out!!
Remember, they all could be gone by morning, so grab yours now!
Simply click the pictures above or this link here:
And also remember, ALL CASES COME WITH FREE SHIPPING within the US!
I also ship overseas to anyone looking to grab their own case for themselves!