If you've been looking for a case for your HTC One, you won't have to look much longer!
July has been a very slow month so I was waiting until August before investing in the HTC One cases, but they are now on their way and will be available for all of you very soon!
In fact, I expect them to arrive on Monday and then it'll be a quick process to have them all added to our Artsy Cell Cases store! They'll be the same price as all the other cases, just $5.95 and of course, with FREE Shipping!
We will be starting off with 8 different designs for these cases but, just like the other cases we have in our store, I will be growing the design collection. So as always, if you don't see something you like right away, make sure you 'Watch' our store or subscribe to it so you'll be the first to know when new designs are added to the lot!
Our eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/ArtsyCellCases