Finally, our large batch of iPhone 4 / 4S cases will be arriving tomorrow afternoon!!
At first, it seemed like they would never be here, but thankfully I was proven wrong! I've been watching the tracking number from the manufacture and following each step and now I can see that they will be here sometime in the early afternoon!
This will be really exciting as these cases are the ones which are held the highest above all other cases currently!
That might seem odd as the iPhone 4 and 4S are the old models, but if you think about it 'price' wise, it might seem to make a lot more sense.
Currently, if you were to upgrade your phone to an iPhone, your carrier, whomever it may be (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc) will begin to walk you through which phone they think you should get!
Now, if you visit your local store, they're going to go straight for the iPhone 5, simply because, it's the latest model. However, the current price of this phone is $199 or $299, depending how much space you want on it, so you might be more inclined to turn right around and head out of the store.... So on your way out, they'll begin to point you towards the iPhone 4S instead... Last year's model, but $100 CHEAPER, much better deal wouldn't you say? But still, $99 for a phone seems a bit much so last but not least, they will direct you to the iPhone 4... the phone that's FREE. That's right, a FREE iPhone. So which one are you going to take?
With the economy being the way it is, you'll probably be the average person who's jumping at the $99, or even better, FREE iPhone, I know I would be!
One day the iPhone 5 will follow this same pattern and be the Free iPhone, but for now, it'll remain at the top.
So with all those Free iPhone 4 and $99 iPhone 4S's being sold, a case is sold right along with them, and that's where our cases come into play!
This is why they tend to fly right off the shelf as quickly as they're put up there! So make sure that you favorite this page and check back here for the update of when the cases will be available because you can rest assured, I'll be posting here right directly after the listing is updated with all the new cases!!
The price will remain the same, $5.95 and the shipping will be FREE as always, within the US! So enjoy!